Jetpack Compose Navigation: Why I Have Wrong Hierarchy of a Destination?
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Jetpack Compose Navigation: Why I Have Wrong Hierarchy of a Destination?

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Are you struggling with Jetpack Compose Navigation and getting a wrong hierarchy of a destination? You’re not alone! As a developer, it’s frustrating to encounter issues that seem to defy logic. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Compose Navigation, exploring the common pitfalls that lead to a wrong destination hierarchy and providing practical solutions to get you back on track.

Understanding Jetpack Compose Navigation

Before we dive into the meat of the issue, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of Jetpack Compose Navigation. Compose Navigation is a part of the Android Jetpack library, designed to simplify navigation between composable functions. It provides a powerful and flexible way to manage navigation flows in your app.

At its core, Compose Navigation relies on a graph of composable functions, where each function represents a destination. These destinations are connected by actions, which define the navigation flow. By using Compose Navigation, you can decouple your UI from the navigation logic, making it easier to maintain and test your app.

The Wrong Hierarchy of a Destination: Symptoms and Causes

So, what exactly is a wrong hierarchy of a destination? You might encounter this issue when your app’s navigation flow doesn’t behave as expected. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Your app navigates to the wrong destination or shows an incorrect screen.
  • The back button doesn’t work as expected, or the app gets stuck in an infinite loop.
  • You see unexpected behavior when navigating between screens, such as duplicate or missing screens.

These symptoms can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Invalid or incomplete navigation graph configuration.
  • Mismatched or incorrect composable function definitions.
  • Incorrect usage of navigation actions and parameters.
  • Concurrency issues or race conditions in your navigation logic.

Troubleshooting the Wrong Hierarchy of a Destination

Now that we’ve identified the symptoms and causes, let’s get to the root of the issue. Here are some steps to help you troubleshoot and fix the wrong hierarchy of a destination:

Step 1: Review Your Navigation Graph

The first step is to review your navigation graph configuration. Double-check that you’ve correctly defined the destinations, actions, and relationships between them. Use the Android Studio’s built-in Navigation Editor to visualize your graph and identify any potential issues.

// Sample navigation graph
fun MyNavigationGraph(
    navController: NavController,
    startDestination: String
) {
        startDestination = startDestination,
        route = "my_route"
    ) {
        composable("home") {
            HomeScreen(navController = navController)
        composable("details") {
            DetailsScreen(navController = navController)
        composable("settings") {
            SettingsScreen(navController = navController)

Step 2: Verify Composable Function Definitions

Next, verify that your composable function definitions match the destinations in your navigation graph. Ensure that each composable function is correctly annotated with the `@Composable` annotation and has the correct parameters.

// Sample composable function
fun HomeScreen(
    navController: NavController,
    viewModel: HomeViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
    // Home screen UI logic

Step 3: Investigate Navigation Actions and Parameters

Check that you’re using the correct navigation actions and parameters when navigating between destinations. Make sure you’re using the correct `NavController` instance and passing the correct arguments to the `navigate` function.

// Sample navigation action
fun navigateToDetails(navController: NavController, itemId: Int) {

Step 4: Look for Concurrency Issues

Concurrency issues can lead to unexpected behavior in your navigation logic. Review your code for any potential race conditions or concurrent modifications to the navigation state.

Use debugging tools or logging to identify any concurrency issues and refactor your code to avoid these problems.

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

Here are some common pitfalls that can lead to a wrong hierarchy of a destination and their solutions:

Pitfall Solution
Incorrect navigation graph configuration Review and double-check your navigation graph configuration, ensuring that destinations and actions are correctly defined and connected.
Mismatched composable function definitions Verify that composable function definitions match the destinations in your navigation graph, and ensure that each function has the correct parameters.
Incorrect usage of navigation actions and parameters Check that you’re using the correct navigation actions and parameters when navigating between destinations, and ensure that you’re using the correct NavController instance.
Concurrency issues or race conditions Review your code for concurrency issues, and refactor your navigation logic to avoid race conditions or concurrent modifications to the navigation state.


In conclusion, a wrong hierarchy of a destination in Jetpack Compose Navigation can be frustrating and challenging to debug. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can identify and fix the underlying issues, ensuring that your app’s navigation flow behaves as expected.

Remember to review your navigation graph configuration, verify composable function definitions, investigate navigation actions and parameters, and look for concurrency issues. By taking these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a robust and reliable navigation system in your Android app.

Happy coding!

  1. Jetpack Compose Navigation official documentation
  2. Navigating with Compose by Android Developers
  3. Jetpack Compose Navigation by Pro Android Dev

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling with Jetpack Compose navigation? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about navigating through compose destinations.

Why do I have a wrong hierarchy of a destination in Jetpack Compose?

The wrong hierarchy of a destination in Jetpack Compose navigation usually occurs when you’re not providing a clear route for the navigation graph. Make sure you’ve defined the route correctly in your navigation graph, and the destination is properly linked to its parent. Also, double-check if you’re using the correct navigation direction (e.g., `NAVIGATE_UP` or `NAVIGATE_DOWN`) when moving between destinations.

How can I debug the navigation graph in Jetpack Compose?

To debug the navigation graph in Jetpack Compose, you can use the `androidx.navigation.safeargs` plugin to enable Safe Args. This will allow you to see the navigation graph and its connections in the Android Studio Navigation Editor. Additionally, you can use the `NavigationUI` class to log the navigation state and debug the navigation flow.

Can I have multiple navigation graphs in Jetpack Compose?

Yes, you can have multiple navigation graphs in Jetpack Compose. Each navigation graph represents a separate navigation flow, and you can have multiple graphs in your app. However, make sure to define a clear route for each graph, and use the correct navigation direction when moving between graphs.

How do I handle deep links in Jetpack Compose navigation?

To handle deep links in Jetpack Compose navigation, you need to define a deep link in your navigation graph using the `deepLink` element. Then, use the ` NavDeepLinkBuilder` class to build a deep link request, and the `NavController` class to handle the deep link navigation.

Can I use Jetpack Compose navigation with other navigation libraries?

Yes, you can use Jetpack Compose navigation with other navigation libraries. Jetpack Compose navigation is designed to work alongside other navigation libraries, such as the Androidx Navigation Component. However, make sure to follow the correct integration guidelines and handle potential conflicts between the libraries.

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